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Working Principles


In carrying out all our duties both within and outside Finland, we ensure that we respect human rights, that is, act with due diligence to avoid infringing on the rights of others and address adverse impacts with which they are involved; and ensure that victims of abuses access effective remedy, both judicial and non-judicial. We are committed to working closely in implementing these main priciples in dispensing our duties;

  • Universality and Inalienability
  • Indivisibility
  • Inter-Dependence and Inter-Relatedness
  • Equality and Non-Discrimination
  • Participation and Inclusion
  • Accountability and Rule of Law

Advocacy Work 


We can Organize workshops, seminars and conferences in your community for local journalists, politicians, community organizations, academia and others, and at high schools and universities for students, to raise awareness about women empowerment, peace security and other related issues.

We can also Organize a letter-writing campaign addressed to heads of government and government ministries, requesting information about the way in which issues related to gender equality is being addressed across all government portfolios.

We are also able to build networks with women’s organizations and groups living and working in situations affected by conflict, or with the potential of experiencing armed conflict. We can Visit them and bring the media with us. Hold press conferences, send out reports and make presentations to policy-makers and the general public upon return.

Capacity Development Training 


We can share our in-house expertise through a series of training programs for national governments, often held in conjunction with our cooperating partners. These can strengthen national skills and capacities, strenghten women machineries, foster actions to uphold women’s human rights, end violence against women, and integrate gender equality across national policies, . One of our primary initiative is specifically devoted to assisting countries emerging from conflict in rebuilding capacities to implement the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women.

Programs & Technical Assistant


Within countries that request our assistance, We can work with government and non-governmental partners to help them put in place the policies, laws, services and resources that women require to move towards equality. Our expertise draw on extensive knowledge and experience with which interventions work best in a given environment, and which had done the most to unlock rapid national progress in attaining national and international commitments to women.





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